2920 Fortune Circle West | Suite C | Indianapolis, IN 46241, U.S.A

Category: Customer

Marshfield High School Teaches Next Generation of Machinists on Milltronics CNCs

Marshfield High School in Wisconsin chose Milltronics CNC machines for its advanced manufacturing program because the user-friendly conversational control shortens the learning curve for students.

Milltronics Control and Reliability Help Wisconsin Machinists Start Innovative Machine Specialists

Innovative Machine Specialists, Inc. is a job shop located in Marshfield, Wisconsin, that helps customers attain their manufacturing goals by being a one-stop shop for engineering, machining, fabricating, and assembly. They make a lot of one-off parts and primarily do high-mix, low-volume work.

EMR Corporation Increases Production Thanks to Milltronics ‘Phenomenal’ Service and User-Friendly Control

EMR Corporation in Phoenix, Arizona, specializes in the engineering and manufacturing of two-way radio equipment for Homeland Security, police, and fire. With first responders relying on this equipment to communicate, EMR takes pride in getting high-quality products to their customers quickly. The team mostly machines aluminum, but also works with brass and stainless steel.

Milltronics’ User-Friendly Programming Helps Machinist Start His Own Shop

Gene Gibson owns G & S Machining, a small, family-owned business in Nelson, Minnesota. After years of working for a machining company, Gibson decided to open his own shop and “see what happens.” He pulled the trigger on a Milltronics VM4020 and hasn’t looked back.

Manitowoc Tool & Manufacturing Finds Milltronics Perfect Fit for Growing Business

Manitowoc Tool & Manufacturing started in 1965 as a small shop focused on stamping dies and stamping. As the business expanded to machining, Manitowoc needed the right equipment for the job and identified Milltronics as the perfect fit.

The Supercharger Store Maximizes Efficiency with Milltronics Machining Center

The Supercharger Store in Tucson, Arizona, builds systems for drag racing and specializes in centrifugal superchargers for street and strip use. Since 2003, their mission has been to provide the best engine power adder solution available with complete turnkey solutions and unmatched customer service.